Wednesday 22 December 2021

End of the year greetings

Every end of the year I try to look back to recall the most important moments in my life. I like to consider both good and bad moments. The memories of good moments arise feelings of satisfaction and those of bad moments allow me to perceive how I have overcome difficulties. All of them are, in the end, rewarding.

This year I cannot but thank God for having all my family together, happy and healthy. Even though it is not my own achievement, I could say that it is what I celebrate the most.

I must also thank my friends, who are always there. We might meet in person or not, but we are always together to help each other to undergo difficult situations. Of course, luckily, most of our meetings have been to celebrate friendship and positive experiences.

Professionally, I have met very valuable people from whom I’ve learned a lot. I have also learned that we should be careful as regards where we spend our energy.

I cannot but thank God, my family, my friends and colleagues for everything we have shared. Each and every experience has helped me to grow.

I wish you all Merry Christmas. May Jesus bring happiness, peace and health to you all.

I also wish you the best for this coming year 2022. May it offer loads of projects and the necessary perseverance to achieve the goals set.

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