Thursday 14 January 2021

Managing our emotions


I saw this post and immediately thought of how important it is the perspective we take to start each day.

Many of us wake up thinking of the load of things we are expected to do. Some complain because of the effort they have to make to fulfil their duties. Some others thank because they have the chance of working. Neither group is wrong, but one group will be far happier.

Is it bad to complain? No. But that should never be our first and only option.

I once read that the question is not whether the glass is half full or half empty. The issue is how long we can keep holding it up.

We need to express our feelings because we thus soothe the discomfort or share our excitement. But at the same time we need to manage our emotions to avoid clashing with other people.  If we get used to keeping record of our diverse feelings in a healthy way, we will be able to express and manage our emotions and, as a result, we will surely be happier.


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