Tuesday 20 October 2015

3-hours workshop Brush up your English Pronunciation

On october 17th the last workshop organised by ASPI in 2015 took place.
We are proud to say that the audience doubled our expectancy. We had thought of 26 attendees and there were 45.
Everybody participated enthusiastically revising basic concepts and solving some pronunciation quizzes.
Our big thanks to Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral for giving us the opportunity of using their premises, INDICE head, María de las Mercedes Luciani PhD, for her permanent support and to Pearson Education and Macmillan Education for providing the books that were raffled among the audience.
Special thanks to professors Adriana Díaz and Letizia Russo, who took hold of all resposibilities receiving attendees and handing out certificates.
And a big hug to Julieta Grassino Oliva, our "official" photographer. It is thanks to her generosity that we can now share these images.

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