Friday 22 June 2012

John Wells' s in hospital

We've learnt from one of John's neighbours that he has had a stroke and is now in hospital.
Luckily, Michael Ashby has posted good news on FB.

John sends a big thank-you for all the good wishes. I visited him his afternoon and he's reasonably comfortable and cheerful, and certainly very alert: he was pointing out to me that the medical profession's pronunciation of 'thrombolysis' (with stress on the third syllable) is anomalous compared with 'paralysis' and 'analysis' (which have stress on the second syllable)! John's got some serious recovery and rehabilitation ahead, but is receiving excellent care. From Saturday 23 June, he'll be moved to St Helier Hospital, Carshalton.

John, we wish you the best and soonest possible recovery!

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