Sunday 26 June 2011


Last Friday 24th and Saturday 25th ASPI's Practical Issues was held in Santa Fe.
This year we've had a bonus, students from Instituto Superior del Profesorado N°8 "Alte Brown" presented works they do during their learning process.

Here we see Natalia Merlo and Noelia Pelizza presenting their work on Material Development. They described the activities they did and how they organised their work.

  There were so many people attending the presentation sessions that some of them had to sit on the floor.
 Here, Cristina Rivas shares happiness after the first presentation.
Good work! Congrats to teacher and students.

I introduced the next presenter, Virginia Lazzarini, who did great work sharing a theme-based unit she prepared to sit her final Didactis for teaching children exam.

 She is here showing great command of the topic, which also included key theoretical issues.
Well done, Virginia!

 The next group presented a Cartoon Show they prepared as a Practical Work in Language III with their teacher Adriana Díaz.
They described how the process started and they also spoke about their feeling during the project development.
But, what is most important, they shared the cartoon and everybody could see what they are able to do while having fun in the classroom.
Congrats to the teacher and the group!
 The students sharing that rewarding sense of satisfaction after having accomplished their task.
A big round of applause for them!!!
Here the proud teacher with the team

 I couldn't help it! I was (and AM) so proud of Virginia's presentation that I wanted to have a picture with her!

SATURDAY, 25th was teachers' presentations day.
 I opened the first session trying to find ways of enjoying writing tasks getting students involved and sharing assessment responsibility with teachers and students.
A really cooperative audience got engaged in the proposed tasks and helped to enliven the presentation.
Thanks so much for sharing so enthusiastically!!!

 Cristina Rivas was next. She presented interesting cultural issues about The Beattles and their music.
She presented many possible activities which can be done with their songs and their biographies.
The audience got engaged and ended up singing songs.
 Ameghino brought some books to be raffled among the participants. That also gave food for enthusiasm and a lot of cheering! Thanks Analia!
 The afternoon session was opened by Adriana Díaz who, as usual was able to generate a fun atmosphere while putting us all to work on idioms. She has that capacity to make us feel how much there is still to be learnt...
Thanks Adriana!!!
 More raffles!! This time it was Advice Book Shop who offered more books to enliven the meeting.
Thanks for their generosity!

Last, but not least, Claudia Piccirilli shared her enriching experience of working with blind and visually impaired people. She was able to show how commitment leads into success. Hers being the first experience in Argentina, she found many ways of helping her students face the challenge of learning a foreign language.

See you all next year! And we keep on inviting students to share their experiences.
Remember you don't need to "create" a presentation. It's just sharing what you usually do!

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