Sunday 25 October 2009

EFL Practical Issues in María Juana

Last Saturday 24th october the ASPI Travelling Team arrived in María Juana.
People from José Manuel Estrada school gave us a really warm welcome.

Adriana Díaz, Claudia Piccirilli and me in front of the school.

Ana Lía Campanero introduced María Cristina Rivas to the audience.

In her usual humorous way, Cristina shared some useful ways of working with Literature in the English classroom.

An enthusiatic audience listened to her.

Verónica Miñón introduced Claudia Piccirilli.

Claudia encouraged members of the audience to try some drama techniques for teaching language.
People seemed to have enjoyed the experience since they were willing to participate.
The atmosphere was great!
In the afternoon, María Elena Suppo introduced Adriana Díaz and me to the audience.

Adriana Díaz kept the audience awake after lunch. In her friendly and funny way, she presented sound information about eponyms.

She couldn't help putting everybody to think.

The audience participated showing genuine interest in the activities.

Last, but not least, I tried to help teachers experience different activities which showed how meaningful reading can enhance fluent communication.

A brief theoretical framework led into a lot of practice.

People had to move about the room and...

think a lot!!!

They worked hard and enthusiastically.
Thanks for sharing!!

Time to return to Santa Fe.
Thanks Juan Manuel Estrada school staff.
Thanks to the enthusiastic colleagues who were ready to get involved in all the tasks we presented them with.
We had a wonderful time and the great possibility of visiting María Juana, a beautiful city.
Where shall we go now???????