Wednesday 16 September 2009

Confirmed! As a photographer, I'm a good English teacher!!!

Getting ready to start our "adventure" Adriana Díaz, Claudia Piccirilli, Cristina Rivas and me.
We had a great time in Reconquista. Our hosts looked after every single detail and the audience was really warm and engaged in all the activities.
First presentation. Literature in the EFL Class: What is it that really works?
Cristina Rivas sharing her experience teaching English through literature.

Claudia Piccirilly involved the audience in drama activities in her workshop Sleeping Dramarella.

Adriana Díaz made us all discover the origin of eponyms in her What's in a name?

I tried to help people to manipulate language and reflect upon reading and different ways of approaching a text in my Achieving fluency through meaningful reading.